
What Clients Are Saying…

“Keelia has coached and guided me through many shifting aspects and phases of my wellness and spiritual journey. She came into my life shortly after the birth of my child, while my personal and emotional life was in a phase of whole and complete love, within the entirely jarring and disorienting shock of now wearing my heart on the outside of my body. 

 Keelia became a respected mentor and guide almost instantaneously and helped me to feel secure in my own inner sight and vision. She has remained a force of light in my life even after our sessions have ended. She has the natural ability of seeing into the heart of any matter, and to help you to see with those eyes. She is fiercely loving, kind, gentle and dependable. 

Her attention to detail and her ability to identify, prioritize and organize the steps needed to actualize easier and more abundant living, and to help see into my personal blind-spots and road-blocks was incredibly helpful with lasting positive impacts. Her communication is clear, her energetics are grounding and she always comes into a room with her heart and soul in service to love, while bringing a playfulness and joy to every space I have had the honor of sharing with her sweet self. Keelia is such a gift to the community, such a gift in my life, and I know that she will be to yours, as well.”

— Caitlin S.

"Meeting and connecting with a beautiful, heart-open, kind soul such as Keelia’s is not an opportunity many people get to experience in life! As a woman utilizing plant medicine who is in recovery from opiates I have lost an entire community and in building that up I saw Keelia’s posts on social media and was drawn to her immediately. She is creating such an amazing community of women who love and support each other with unconditional love and trust! The women’s circle she hosts every month is always filled with love, openness and sisters being able to release all of their energy into the collective consciousness that is the divine feminine. Working with her and plant medicine along my journey has helped pull me out of my postpartum depression (and a place to go when the fear and pain come back) and embrace womanhood, motherhood, and sisterhood. I am forever grateful for Keelia and her impact on not only my life, but my children’s lives, and everyone she meets!"

— Justine C.

“I really feel like Keelia’s way of coaching is nothing short of Shamanic. She embodies a divine feminine archetype that is so grounded in nurturing and really knows how to teach people how to get in touch with their spiritual nature. She creates such a safe container, I have processed trauma, found my purpose and been guided into a life that I didn’t know was possible. Keelia is so accommodating, when I have been struggling, she has texted with me and helped me through challenges and gone above and beyond what any coach or therapist has done. Her journal prompts and suggested readings have allowed me to deepen my relationships with the Spirit of the Universe and Myself so deeply. I have done lots of trauma work, therapy, but nothing has compared to the frequency that Keelia provides in her way of being. So grateful for her practices! I feel like I am finally stepping into my potential at 37 years old, I just wish I had found her sooner!”

— Carey C.

“I have been working with Keelia as my coach for a few months and I am so grateful for how much she has helped me to help myself in so many ways. A huge struggle for me has been my depression which I have been dealing with for over 20 years, as well as anxiety. I have been to numerous psychiatrists, therapists, AA meetings, as well as lived in a couple of sober houses. Over the past few years, I had been working with different sponsors within the AA community doing the 12 steps, which helped me but I always got so easily stagnant and always felt like there was more work to be done and wanted something more. I still felt like there was some major pieces missing in my recovery of mental health, addiction, codependency etc.

One day a few months ago I was in a very bad place mentally and was at a breaking point of needing to do something different and soon. I came across some pictures of Keelia on Facebook and videos of her singing and doing “cool hippie stuff” which I have always been drawn to. I was really drawn to whatever it was Keelia and her friends were doing and they looked so peaceful and happy. That was a universe moment for sure. I reached out and said basically “I want to do whatever it is you’re doing” and luckily she said she could be my coach as she had become certified in holistic coaching, recovery coaching and life coaching.

I felt a great vibe from the get-go meeting with Keelia and just knew that she was going to be so helpful and great. I meet with her weekly and she is like a sponsor/therapist but better. She has given me many different tools, activities and really cool new ways of life to delve into. The work I have done on myself in the past few months is more substantial than any other work I have done.  She has so many different awesome suggestions to try and do all over the board from personalized journaling prompts, techniques, meditation, breath work and a whole lot more spiritual stuff. I am obsessed with this more spiritual way of living that I have grown into and feel like all that I was missing in my life, recovery, well being, is now being fulfilled.

I think everyone should give Keelia’s coaching a try, especially if you’re looking for something different and want to go deeper. I have really gotten in touch with my creativity again and have been on this path of seeking out any and all ways that could help me to be closer to my highest self. I can’t say enough about how awesome Keelia is and the holistic, spiritual, recovery coaching work that she does. I feel lucky to have reconnected with her and have learned and continue to learn the most powerful, magical, and life-changing tools that have helped me immensely.”

— Amanda R.

If you aren't sure whether or not to sign up for coaching with Keelia, this is your sign: just do it! She has been such a helpful mentor and guide to me, I worked with her and within a month the people in my life started to notice a change. I really stepped into myself and became the person I was always meant to be. I came to Keelia with my life a total mess, low self-esteem, and low self-worth. Now I see how sacred my life is, I feel spiritually connected again, and my life is abundant! Thank you, Keelia for holding this space for me! I truly appreciate all of the wisdom you have shared with me. My life is forever transformed!

— Emma D.

“I worked with Keelia as a recovery coach for over a year. Since we worked together I am doing great! I’ve been completely different person. I have financial independence again. I’ve been meaning to give Keelia a special thanks for the help since we worked together 2 years ago, and was grateful for the opportunity to write a testimonial. My life is so so much better that it’s hard to remember how bad it was sometimes. Thank you again for helping me find myself. I was not comfortable with spirituality, but I play the piano, and Keelia recommended I play the piano every morning as a meditation practice. It has completely shifted how I view spirituality. I am clearer, and my life is so full. I have been playing piano in some resteraunts and feel like I am in touch with myself musically. Thank you Keelia, I highly recommend Life As A Ceremony for anyone wanting to change their life!

— Joseph L.